Spreading Kindness and Community


For the final project of the bootcamp, me and three other classmates were tasked with creating a landing page and a mobile app that is compatible with one other interface. Let me introduce you to “Kindful”, an app where people can be kind to their neighbors or help them complete tasks, and receive rewards. Our app has the goal of increaing mutual aid in communities.


User Research, Survey Design, Prototyping, Coding the Landing page


3 Weeks


Our instructors allowed us free reign ont his project. The only rules were that we needed to create a project that was compatible on two interfaces. So we kicked off this project with a brainstorming session. What app ideas do we have that we want to move forward with?

We chose a mindfulness app, but decided that ours would be different from other apps by incorporating a points and rewards system. But that wasn’t enough. After explaining our idea to our teacher she suggested we don’t focus on mindfulness and instead maybe explore gratitude or kindness.

So we created a proto-persona to have someone in mind while we crafted our survery and interview questions.

Meet Mara

Mara is a busy young professional who feels overwhelmed in her daily life. She wants to find a community to share the joy and struggles of life with.

So our next step was designing an interview and survey . We asked participants about their history with mindfulness apps, what they got out of them, and how/if they were still using the app. We also asked participants how they go about being kind in their daily life, how does it feel, and what stops them from being kind.

I designed the survey on typeform. There were 10 responses. The following are some of the questions and their results.

Our interviews gave us a lot of data.

Interview Data
Interview Data

So we broke it up further into an affinity diagram.

Affinity Diagram
Affinity Diagram

Our final iteration of the affinity diagram.

 Final Affinity Diagram
Final Iteration of Affinity Diagram

Using this data we crafted a user insight statement. Our user, who is concerned with people around her, needs a simple and consistent way to be kind to herself and others because she enjoys the feeling she gets from helping other people.

Meet Margaret Short


Competitor Analysis

Before brainstorming the features for our app we conducted a competitor analysis to see what other successful apps are doing. Our direct competitors, Calm and Headspace, came from our interviews. Both Calm and Headspace have guided meditations and soundscapes to help with sleep and relaxation. Calm is the mindfulness app of choice for parents due to ease of use and sleep stories for kids. Headspace offers a structured path to mindfulness. Both apps are well-known but several users (in our interviews, survey responses and even app reviews) mentioned not using either app beyond the free trial as they did not see the value in paying for the subscription. 

We used Craigslist and Nextdoor as indirect competitors. Though neither app was created with the intention of spreading kindness, they are both apps that people use to connect with their neighbors for various purposes, including buying/selling/trading items, sharing news, information and recommendations.

What Does Margaret Want?

With our user persona and competitor analysis in hand we brainstormed features that Margaret might want. Some of these ideas came straight from our interviews. Then we implemented dot voting to identify our favorite concepts that would best serve our users.

 Feature Analysis
Feature Analysis

Then came the Feature Prioritization Matrix to narrow down our ideas. From this, we decided the primary feature of our app would be facilitating opportunities for users to do kind acts for others in their community. Other features would be points, badges, and closing daily rings in order to encourage retention.

 Feature Prioritization matrix
Feature Prioritization matrix

Margaret's Story

We developed a storyboard to further clarify our solution and how users would interact with our app.

 Story Board

Task Flows!

The Storyboard allowed us to create four main task flows for Margaret.

1. Sign up for Kindful and view the tutorial onboarding screens

task 1

2. Complete an act of kindness for a neighbor

task 2

3. Request an act of Kindness

task 3

4. View weekly Kindful status on an smartwatch

task 4

Prototyping & Testing: Round 1

At this point we had a good idea of what our app was about. So now for the fun part -- Prototyping!

Here are some of our paper sketches

task 4
task 4
task 4
task 4

And now lo-fi wireframes.

Lo-fi prototypes

Time for the first round of usability testing on our 4 tasks. We had 4 different people test our lo-fi prototype. These were the goals:

  1. Sign up for the app
  2. Complete an act of kindness
  3. Request an act of kindness
  4. Check weekly status on the apple watch app

Though each user was able to sign up for the app, that task wasn’t without its hiccups. At this point in the prototyping process, we hadn’t added iOS UI so some users hesitated for a moment expecting keyboards to popup. We discovered we should rename our “task” page for user understanding so it was later renamed to “available acts of kindness.” Additionally there were opportunities to make our concept more clear by adding copy and images to our onboarding, home, and available acts of kindness screens.

Task 1 Results

100% success rate

Task 2 Results

62.5% success rate

Task 3 Results

75% success rate

Task 4 Results

87.5% success rate

Moodboard & Style Guide

We used Pinterest to collaborate on a mood board as a team. We wanted our app to feel bright and joyful. We selected imagery with colorful characters, expressive faces, highly saturated colors, and geometric shapes. We then placed our inspiration images together in a grid in Figma to refer to during our design process. 


We then selected the images from our Mood Board that best exemplified the design direction for our app. The UI for our app would be energetic, playful and neo-brutalist with high contrast and defined edges. We selected Baloo as our main Header font as it was playful and bold and used Inter for other text for balance. We picked some key shapes, applied an distinct shadow and created some high contrast black and white buttons to match. 


Prototyping and Testing: Round 2

We returned to our mid-fi prototype and applied the changes to create a hi-fi prototype.

Hi-fi prototype

To view our high fidelity mobile prototypes: click here.

To view our high fidelity Apple Watch prototypes:click here.

After we iterated to high fidelity, we revisited Usability Testing to ensure the changes we made improved the function of our app. Again, we tested 4 subjects using the same objectives from our original round of testing. This time we had a 100% success rate for all participants for all 4 tasks! A huge improvement from the first round of testing. Again, the test wasn’t without tiny hiccups. We originally missed connecting some frames that lived outside of our task flows. We made the necessary adjustments and fixed things like ensuring the iOS Home Indicator remained in view at the bottom of each screen.

Marketing Landing Page

My teammate used our style guide to design our landing page. Then I translated her design to code using Visual Studio Code and Git Hub. I used Bootstrap to format the page, and HTML and CSS to customize the framework. The most difficult part for me was formatting the images. At first I used the position property, but quickly realized that was not responsive. After instructor feedback, I decided to use the margin property to scatter the images while maintaining responsiveness.

To view the Github Repository: click here .

To view our completed landing page: click here .

What I Learned

Throughout this process, I learned how to incorporate new interactions and animations in Figma with the purpose of adding more fun and interest to our prototype. I also deepened our knowledge of Bootstrap to code our marketing landing page. Due to the time constraints, I had to work smarter. Utilizing Bootstrap, leveraging media queries, and adjusting CSS allowed me to achieve our desired interactions and responsiveness in a shorter timeframe. 

Scope Creep was in issue with this project. Even with a feature list carefully chosen, we realized while creating our wireframes, there were narrative gaps in our prototype. We almost started building our app larger, but a faculty member assisted us in clarifying our task flow, and reminded us this was a beginning iteration.

For future iterations we would to incorporate the following feature:

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